How do I fix error code 009 on Roku?

If you are encountering Roku Error Code 009 on your Roku device, we have some sure ways
to work around and solve your Roku issues. We have devised steps and troubleshooting tips
to help you have an uninterrupted streaming experience.
Learn how to solve Roku error code 009?
Your streaming device will show this error when your Roku TV can’t form a connection to
the internet or Wi-Fi. We have the best working solutions for the problem. Continue to read
on to solve Roku error 009 while you are ready to set up your Roku device to help you
troubleshoot it.
Roku Error Code 009
The display of Roku error code 009 simply signifies that your device has a successful
connection with the router but not connected with the Internet or Wi-Fi. Roku error code 009
is letting you know that your device is not recognizing the Wireless signal that is coming
from your network. As a result, it will start displaying the error message as “Unable to
connect to wireless network” or “Not connected to the internet” or “Roku error code 009”.
How to do Roku Device Setup
As soon as you’re done setting up the Roku device hardware the next thing you need to do is
connect it to the internet or Wi-Fi. This process is easy and as simple as connecting any other
devices to the internet as you connect your mobile, PC, your Alexa devices, etc. this first step
is very simple.
To avoid this error check that the internet or Wireless network name of your network is
displayed on the list of networks shown on the screen in order to connect it to the same one.
We suggest you follow these steps while you are setting up your Roku device which will help
you in the execution of the setting up of the internet connection successfully. This will help
you in avoiding Roku error code 009
 The initial step is to use a case-sensitive passcode
 You will see the wireless connection is successfully established
 The screen will prompt a message “Successful connection”
 There will be a working internet connection on your Roku device giving it access
through the router.

If you still see the error arising and the above solution didn’t work then we suggest you
should ask your Internet Service Provider (ISP) to help you resolve Roku error code 009
because we believe this issue you are facing can be best solved by us.
The reasons can be many, including the problem with the internet or with the router. To
resolve this you can try some other solutions to execute as well.
Advanced Actions to solve Roku error code 009

You can use the method of step verification to solve this issue and perform these actions of
checking the connections of your Router and internet wires since this can hamper your
internet connection.
Check the Connections
You can click on the settings menu and go see networks under it. You can just click on the
“Settings” menu and then going to “Network”. This two-step test that you just performed will
let you know about the signal quality and the establishment of the connection from your
network provider. You can also check the speed of your internet connection as you need a
high-speed internet connection. While you are checking the internet connection you will see
that your Roku device will try to establish the connection Wi-Fi or wired network. You need
to make sure you have a strong internet connection here. You will see the display of a green
sign here. If there is still an interruption with the connection you will see a Red X sign
A green check sign will signify that a successful connection has been established with the
network and the internet. All these steps should help you in resolving the Roku error code
009. In case you are still facing this issue feel free to contact us. Our team will be glad to be
of any assistance.


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